Videezy Standard License & Usage
November 11 2021 8:13pmVideezy Standard content is free content that is available to be downloaded for personal, educational, commercial and editorial use with attribution. If you don’t want to give attribution you must purchase a Commercial Use license with credits
If you are a free, non-premium user, you are allowed to:
Download, edit and remix for personal, commercial, educational or editorial use with attribution.
If you are a free, non-premium user, you are not allowed to:
Rent, license, sublicense, sell or redistribute this file or any modified version of it.
If you are a free, non-premium user, here is how to attribute:
• For TV/Broadcast: please mention in the final credits.
• For Offline Use (such as a work presentation): Please mention in the final copy.
• For Web: copy and paste the following HTML on the page where the work appears
Free Stock Footage by <a href="">Videezy</a>
Duration: Perpetual
Territory: Worldwide
If you are a paid premium member, you can use these files for both personal and commercial use without the need for attribution. You still may not redistribute the file itself, but can sell a product that has this footage included in it.
If you're looking for our logo - here's a high-res purple PDF, and a high-res white PDF.